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The cameras deployed around the Gloucester Square Garden are exclusively for the use of the Gloucester Square Garden Committee and the security of all residents. The Cameras cover all entry points to the Garden, including along the railings, and the paths between the garden and the Direct Access Houses.
The Garden Committee have been mindful not to place cameras around the garden where they might disproportionately infringe on resident privacy. For the avoidance of doubt the lawn, table seating areas and playground are not covered by the Garden’s security cameras.
Records are retained on a rolling basis, typically for 2-4 weeks, during which time they are available to the Garden Committee and their agents. Footage is not archived unless to capture and record a specific concern, such as trespass, fly tipping, anti-social behaviour or a breach of the Garden Rules.
The use of cameras will remain justified as long they serve as a deterrent to criminal, anti-social and/or insurance-compromising behaviours in around the Garden. In the first year of operation the cameras have captured:
In addition, their have been concerning incidents outside of the coverage area of the cameras, including the dumping of a knife through the railing. Whilst this activity continues the need for visible deterrent remains.
With the exception of official police investigations (see the next section), we are only able to respond requests for footage of you and/or your direct dependants captured beyond the property line of the Gloucester Square Garden.
If you are requesting footage of you or your dependants captured outside the property boundary of the Gloucester Square Garden, please provide the details in the form directly below so we can identify and share the footage with you. Providing we are able to locate the footage, it will be shared with you, at which point you can request for it to be deleted.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Gloucester Square Garden Committee retains the right to keep all records of activity taking place on the property, or records incidentally captured beyond the Garden that are thought to relate to criminal activity involving the Garden.
Please do not use this form to request details of another person (see the next section).
We do not respond to private requests for footage of people other than yourself or your dependants. If you are investigating a criminal matter please use the secondary form below including details of the Crime Reference number, the Investigating Officer, and your consent to contact the police directly with any footage we uncover.