Our Objective is

To Benefit All Gloucester Square Residents

Including prospective tenants and owners, by providing a community resource that not only shares the rich history of the square, though also makes it easier to contact the relevant groups and committees, whilst staying up-to-date on everything happening in the area.

Short Term Goals

To provide a resource that residents consider useful and interesting, lowering barriers to engagement within the neighbourhood.

Long Term Vision

To encourage residents to proactively participate in the Garden and our wider community, creating the best Garden Square in London!

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Years of History

One of the Largest and Widest Gardens in and Around West-Central London

Widest Garden on the Hyde Park Estate

At 68m wide the Gloucester Square Garden is roughly double the width of the next largest (traditional) Garden on the Hyde Park Estate.

This provides two key benefits Gloucester Square.

Firstly the width allows residents to make use of wide open lawns between the plants, far away from the adjoing (albeit quiet residential) roads.

Secondly, this width, combined with the Garden’s oreination (43 degrees from horizontal / East-West), allows residents to benefit from additional sunlight throughouthout the day and for more of the year.

... And the Second Largest

At a little over 1.6 Acres, Gloucester Square is the second largest Garden on the Hyde Park Estate, narrowly behind Hyde Park Gardens (1.9 Acres).

As you can see from the adjacent table, Gloucester Square ranks among the top 5 largest Gardens in and around West-Central London, and the top 3 exclusively residential Gardens.

AreaGardenAverage Length (m)Average Width (m)AcresWebsite
Hyde Park EstateCambridge Square83190.4
Hyde Park EstateConnaught Square88310.7
Hyde Park EstateGloucester Square97681.6
Hyde Park EstateHyde Park Gardens230341.9
Hyde Park EstateHyde Park Square110330.9
Hyde Park EstateOxford Square83220.5
Hyde Park EstateSussex Square000.8
Hyde Park EstateWater Gardens71601.1
BayswaterCleveland Square94661.5
BayswaterLeinster Square123290.9
BayswaterPrince's Square123290.9
BayswaterKensington Square Gardens92280.6
MaryleboneBryanston Square195201.0
MaryleboneMontagu Square195201.0
MarylebonePortman Square113852.4
Notting HillPembridge Square195261.3
BayswaterPorchester Square143230.8
Notting HillLadbroke Square Garden307906.8
Little VeniceCrescent Garden264493.2

Measurements Estimated from Google Map’s Measurement Feature.

A 360 Degree View

Appreciating that not all prospective residents will be able to access then Garden when viewing a property on the Square, we have provided this 360 degree view of the center of the Garden to give a virtual tour instead!

The History of Our Square and the Hyde Park Estate

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