Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some FAQs that we hope you find useful, if you can’t find the answer you are looking for, please use the form provided on the right of this page.

Yes, the website adminstrator is a member of the Garden Committee.

The website was built and funded on behalf of the 6 white-stucco apartment buildings with access to the Garden.  However since May 2022 it works in tandem with the new Gloucester Square Garden Committee, who use it as part of their engagement strategy.

The website hosting is funded until March 2026, at which point the Gloucester Square Garden Committee will be responsible for paying for the website’s hosting and maintenance.

The Contact Us page goes to the Garden Committee’s managing agent and the website administrator. If you wish to contact the managing agent directly, their contact details are on the right hand side of the Contact Us Page.


Please use the dedicated Key Request Form, in the header menu under “Resources”.

The Garden is governed in accordance with the Gloucester Square Estate Management Scheme, by an elected committee, voted for by residents. Since September 1999 the Estate Owner, the Church Commissioners for England, have delegated their management powers relating to the Garden, to said Garden Committee.

We encourage them! If there is content you would like to us to add please use the form on the right of this page, or the Contact Us page, to get in touch.

More or less – though we will continue to add updates and features over time.

A few of the features we are looking to add include:

  • A map of the Estate’s original development plots (who bought what, when)
  • A more comprehensive 360 tour of the garden
  • A members area for news / minutes / updates

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