If you wish to vote on behalf of multiple properties, please complete the following form.

    Your Contact Details (please ensure these match the details you provided to attend the meeting for the vote)

    Your Property Details:

    Your Rights to vote on behalf of the above property*:

    I rent the addressed property with a formal tenancy agreement of at least 12 monthsI own the addressed property, and live there as a residentI own the addressed property, and it is not being let on a 12-month-plus basis

    Your Rights to vote on behalf of the above property*:

    I rent the addressed property with a formal tenancy agreement of at least 12 monthsI own the addressed property, and live there as a residentI own the addressed property, and it is not being let on a 12-month-plus basis

    Your Rights to vote on behalf of the above property:

    I rent the addressed property with a formal tenancy agreement of at least 12 monthsI own the addressed property, and live there as a residentI own the addressed property, and it is not being let on a 12-month-plus basis

    Your Rights to vote on behalf of the above property:

    I rent the addressed property with a formal tenancy agreement of at least 12 monthsI own the addressed property, and live there as a residentI own the addressed property, and it is not being let on a 12-month-plus basis

    Your Rights to vote on behalf of the above property:

    I rent the addressed property with a formal tenancy agreement of at least 12 monthsI own the addressed property, and live there as a residentI own the addressed property, and it is not being let on a 12-month-plus basis