Resident Festive Drinks on 23-November

50% Chance of Go Ahead – there are conflicting views of the weather tomorrow, with some sources suggesting rain all day, and others just rain in the morning. 

75% Chance of Proceeding: Whilst rain is predicted in the morning, it is currently expected to be dry from 3pm onwards, meaning the event will proceed.

EVENT POSTPONED – Unfortunately with heavy rain now predicted for all of tomorrow, the Committee has decided to postpone tomorrow’s festive drinks. We hope to arrange a new date shortly.

We hope as many residents as possible can join us for Festive Drinks on Saturday the 18th of November in the Garden.

The event is being held on a Bring Your Own Bottle basis, so not to use ratepayer funds / require tickets. Though a few residents and committee members will sponsor some Hot Chocolate, Mulled Wine and Cake.

Guests are welcome, though households wishing to invite more than 4 guests are asked to seek prior approval through the Contact Form of this website.

The event is scheduled to run from 3 – 6pm in the Garden, with the Lights Switch on at 5.15pm.

Subject to good weather, a Projecetor will be setup to screen a Festive Movie for our younger residents.

We Hope You Enjoy the Event and the Lights

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