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Residents young and old wishing to help make the square a little spookier this Haloween can add a pumpkin to dedicated perches around the Garden.
In what will hopefully become an annual tradition, the Committee have set out some logs and and cross-sections (from the felled catalpa) by each of the Garden Gates.
4 pumpkins have already been added by some of our younger local residents to the log-perch opposite the South Gate. We hope other residents may be tempted to add their own designs and help us celebrate this holiday.
Please find a few notings on where to locate the perches and how to light the pumpkins below.
The Catalpa Logs and cross sections have been added to the flowerbeds opposite both the North and South Gates.
Residents wishing to light their own pumpkins are asked to use battery timed lights rather than candles.
To protect the plants and wildlife, residents are asked not-to use preservation techniques (such as bleach water / dettole spray) on the pumpkins they intend to place in the Garden.
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© 2022 Gloucester Square, supported by 48-49, 47, 44-46, 26-28, 13-14 Gloucester Square and 21 Hyde Park Square