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After over a year of research and preperation (largely by Beverly and Tom) the Garden Committee have used this year’s seating budget to install Fexible Seating in the Garden, consisting of 5 Tennis Chairs and 5 Deck Chairs.
Each chair is dedicated to a former resident, who has been profiled on the dedicated page at with stories ranging from the accomplishments of Robert Stephenson, to the untimely death of Capt Francis Leopold Mond, and his mother’s 5 year quest to find his remains after his plane came down over No Mans Land during WW1. Where possible we have provided links to books, videos, and other resources to residents to get to know those who came before on Gloucester Square and let their mark on history.
To allow residents free use of the flexible seating, dedicated storage has been installed by the South Gate.
Residents are free take chairs for use in the Garden, though are asked to comply with the rules displayed on the front of the storage and dedicated page of this website, with non-compiance tracked by the CCTV System covering this section of the Garden.
Most importantly – Residents must return chairs to storage whenever not in active use (i.e. bums on seats). The Chairs must not be left unattended, not least owing to the damage that exposure to bird droppings and the Garden’s irrigation system will cause.
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© 2022 Gloucester Square, supported by 48-49, 47, 44-46, 26-28, 13-14 Gloucester Square and 21 Hyde Park Square